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Acts 16: Big God, Real Church | Answering The Call | Richard Foth | Timberline Church
Series: Acts: Big God, Real Church
Dick Foth
January 19, 2025
This weekend we will look at Acts 16:1-15 to reflect on what happens when we respond to Jesus' call, but get stymied in some way when we think we are following him. Just how does "being led by God...
Outrageous Hospitality: "A Piece of Humble Pie" Donny Abbott at Timberline Church
We learned with Pastor Donny that Jesus lived in a culture that valued getting ahead...
Morning of Worship at Timberline Windsor
Join us for a morning of Worship and Prayer at Timberline Windsor
"In This Way We Will Do All That God Requires!" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
In baptism season in the life of the church, Pastor John explores Jesus’s baptism in...
Outrageous Hospitality: "The Day the Revolution Began" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Church
This week we explore the somewhat mysterious interactions that Jesus had with two of...
Jeff Lucas on Finding Faith, Supernatural Calling, Discerning the Will of God
In this episode Jeff Lucas shares his experience coming to faith which was quickly...
"You Want To Try That Again?" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
For a stand-alone weekend, Pastor John explores the ways Jesus’s call to ‘turn the...
Outrageous Hospitality: "More Than Food" Dary Northrop
Do you enjoy food? Join us this weekend as we start a new summer series called...
The Walk of Becoming: "Self Control" Mackenzie Matthews at Timberline Windsor
Finishing off the Walk of Becoming series on the Fruit of the Spirit, Pastor Mackenzie...
Bonus Group Resource: The Walk of Becoming "Self Control"
Pastor Mackenzie leads our discussion this week as we conclude our series on The Fruit...
RECAP: The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Self-Control" Jeff Lucas
The Walk of Becoming: "Experiencing Self-Control" Jeff Lucas at Timberline Church
Felix Arellano on Fatherhood
Felix Arellano on a Legacy of Faith, Fatherhood, and Dinner Table Spiritual Formation