Locations & Times



Timberline Student Ministries (TSM) is a place where students can talk about life, God, and life with God. At TSM, 6th-12th graders can engage in meaningful teaching and worship, and build Jesus-centered relationships with their peers and leaders.

What's Coming Up

When do you meet?

Fort Collins Campus | TSM Middle School Small Groups | Wednesdays 6:45-8 p.m. (during the school year) 
Fort Collins Campus | TSM Middle School | Sundays 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Fort Collins Campus | TSM High School | Tuesdays 6:45-8:00 p.m. 

Windsor Campus | TSM Middle School Small Groups | Wednesdays 6:30-7:45 p.m. (during the school year) 
Windsor Campus | TSM Middle School | Sundays 10-11 a.m.
Windsor Campus | TSM High School | Sundays 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Please see the campus calendar for more details.

Do I need to sign up my student?

Not for our weekly meetings. All you need to do is show up! If you would like to arrive a little before we start we would be happy to introduce you and your student to their grade group leader.

What is the tsm parent group?

The TSM Parent Group will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Sundays (when TSM Middle School is meeting) of each month starting Aug. 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room 213. Join us on August 25, September 22, October 13, October 27, November 11, November 24 and December 8!

Text TSM Parents to 844-982-4387 for more information about the group.

What camps and retreats do you have coming up?

Middle School Stay-Treat | October 5 | $80 | 6th-8th graders (as of Fall 2024) || Registration open August 11 | Register before September 29. Spots are limited so registration may close before the deadline! Register HERE.

High School Fall Retreat | October 18-20 | $180 | 9th-12th graders (as of Fall 2024) | Registration opens August 11 | Register before October 9. Spots are limited so registration may close before the deadline! Register HERE.

8th-12th graders, save the date for Girls Day and Guys Day on March 8, 2025! Registration opens in January. Also save the dates for Middle School Summer Camp (May 23-26, 2025) and High School Summer Camp (May 31-June 3, 2025). Registration for summer camps opens April 1.

Who is my student’s leader?

We have an incredible team of adults who are dedicated to helping your student grow in Christ. Our leaders receive ongoing training and support (weekly meetings, monthly coaching sessions, yearly retreats) to develop their skills and keep them energized.  All adult leaders have been background checked.
