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Radical Attention

May 08, 2021

Radical Attention

In this Mother’s Day weekend message Mackenzie invites us into the account of two...

The Heart for the Lost

May 02, 2021

The Heart for the Lost

There are people in our community – in our neighborhood, classrooms, homes, and...


May 02, 2021


Welcome to the first week of our online specific service. Join us in experimenting...

Learn to Live

May 01, 2021

Learn to Live

What does it mean to live in the plan and will of God? What does it mean to have a...

God My Shepherd

April 25, 2021

God My Shepherd

You are God's child, Gifted with dreams and visions. Upon you rests the grace of God...

Listen for God's Voice

April 25, 2021

Listen for God's Voice

Do you believe that God still talks to people? I’m wondering if it’s whether or not we...

Fear, Doubt, and Food

April 18, 2021

Fear, Doubt, and Food

Holy and righteous God, You raised Christ from the dead and glorified Him at your...

Don't Miss Your Chance

April 18, 2021

Don't Miss Your Chance

When God calls us to respond to him, why would we ever refuse him? The answer ‘We...

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