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Acts 16: Big God, Real Church | Answering The Call | Richard Foth | Timberline Church
Series: Acts: Big God, Real Church
Dick Foth
January 19, 2025
This weekend we will look at Acts 16:1-15 to reflect on what happens when we respond to Jesus' call, but get stymied in some way when we think we are following him. Just how does "being led by God...
WNC Week 8 "Culture Wars: Smartphones, Social Media, and Advertising" Brent Cunningham and Jeff Grobaski at Timberline Church
Jeff Grobaski is the founder and CEO of Epic River. He draws on more than 25 years of...
Mark: "Fruit in Spiritual Greenhouses" John Mehl at Timberline Windsor
There is a tremendous amount of fruit spread all across our church family! God is...
"Mark: The Parable of the Sower" Donny Abbott at Timberline Church
This week Pastor Donny shares from Mark 4:1-20. He recounts a parable Jesus told about...
RECAP: "Mark: The Parable of the Sower" Donny Abbott
Bonus Group Resource: Mark "Fruit in Spiritual Greenhouses"
Pastor John leads the discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark
Revelation Week 10
The great plan of restoration: The new heaven and the new earth (21:1-22:21)
WNC Week 7 "Culture Wars: Political Life and the Kingdom of God" Brent Cunningham with Dick Foth and Steve Moore at Timberline Church
Dick Foth interviews Steve Moore who has been a speech writer for social and political...
Mark Boustred on Faithfulness and Calling in Medicine
In this episode, Dr. Mark Boustred shares his story. Mark is a retired plastic surgeon...
RECAP: "Mark: Accusation" Dary Northrop
"Mark: Accusation" Dary Northrop at Timberline Church
Have you ever been falsely accused? It is a terrible feeling! We are in a culture that...
Bonus Group Resource: Mark- "Pushing Back Against Jesus"
Pastor Brent leads our discussion this week as we continue our series on the Book of Mark.
Mark: "Pushing Back Against Jesus" Brent Cunningham at Timberline Windsor
In this weekend's passage we encounter continued (and even surprising) pushback...