The Heart for the Lost
Series: What's Important Now
May 02, 2021 | John Mehl
There are people in our community – in our neighborhood, classrooms, homes, and workplaces – that just aren’t interested in Jesus. But you’re a touchpoint with them – You go to work with them, they’re a client of yours. People in our church family have been passionately stirred for us to talk this weekend about how we can choose to increase our ‘sending capacity’ as well as our ‘seating capacity’.
Series Information

Over a few weeks of stand-alone (non sermon-series) services, a few unique, critically important issues arose. This is ‘What’s Important Now’ for Timberline Windsor
Other sermons in the series

Don't Miss Your Chance
When God calls us to respond to him, why would we ever refuse him? The answer ‘We...

Choose Your Own Adventure....Sort Of
There is an extent to which we are able to choose your own adventure in our faith...

The Heart for the Lost
There are people in our community – in our neighborhood, classrooms, homes, and...

W.I.N.: The Priority of Family
Establishing the family of God was at the heart of Christ’s mission and ministry. Even...

W.I.N.: Kids & Students
We need the kids and students in our church and our community to know the value that...