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"Mark: Desperate Faith & The Jarius Name Meaning" Mackenzie Matthews at Timberline Church

Series: MARK: Hope, Help & Healing

May 14, 2023 | Mackenzie Matthews

In this message about the Jairus name meaning, the account of his daughter and the bleeding woman from Mark 5.21-43 , Mackenzie Matthews invites us to consider our desperation, God’s pace and God's love. Where have you experienced desperate places? How do you handle a frustrated timeline? How might you more deeply experience the outrageous love of God?

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Mark: Desperate Faith & Jairus Name Meaning

Mackenzie Matthews


Mark 5. 21-43- Jairus Daughter and the Bleeding Woman


1. Our desperation creates () for God. 


2. God's pace is (). 


3. The Love of God is a () kind of love.




Series Information

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