Impossible To Possible- Windsor Campus
Series: Whaaat? Awestruck by Glory
December 12, 2021 | John Mehl
In this week’s 2 part message, we encounter the power and the posture of a God who makes the impossible a reality! As we come to grips with his greatness, we’re going to find ourselves asking the question: Why would this great God pursue me? Our prayer is that the answer would continue to stir awe and wonder and worship!
Click Here to access the Bonus Group companion video that goes along with this sermon.
Series Information

The Christmas story, so familiar, so little understood, is about the extravagant love of God who came so far to rescue us. It’s about what is totally impossible becoming a reality - enough to split the heavens open, revealing an angelic praise party. And it’s about heaven coming to earth, the Messiah, not a victorious warlord as expected, but a fragile, tiny baby. Hope has come, not in an idea, a theory, but in the person of Jesus. ‘Awesome’ is an overused word, but one that is totally appropriate when we consider the Advent narrative.
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