Locations & Times

Easter Sunday at Timberline Windsor "A Question, A Pursuit, and A Power"

Series: Easter at Timberline

April 09, 2023 | John Mehl

This Easter Sunday we ask that the lost, the uncommitted, would be drawn to Jesus and drawn together as the church! Each of us must answer a key question: What is everyone so happy about? That answer reveals to us God’s pursuit of us and his power in us.

Follow Along with the Message

A Question, A Pursuit, and A Power

John 3:16-18, Hebrews 9:27-28

Pastor John Mehl



What’s everyone so happy about? This is today’s question


Jesus’s heart was to endure our consequence (PAID on Good Friday) so that ANYONE might receive the free gift of eternal life (PROVED on Easter Sunday)


Those that the Spirit of God draws to him, he also draws together: The Church – That is today’s pursuit


God is in the business of miracles! That is today’s power!



Series Information

Other sermons in the series